Antler Fire Department

Established 1905

Antler Rural
Fire Protection District


The Antler Fire Department

The Antler Fire Department has been in existence since the beginning of the town. The first fire engine was bought from Waterous Engine Works in June 1907 for $2100.00.
(The fire buggy pictured below was owned by AFD and is located at the ND State Historical Society. This could possibly be the 1907 fire engined mentioned above.)


The hose reel carts shown below are still owned by AFD and quite possibly went with the buggy pictured above.


In June 1907 the village board of trustees ordered all chimneys to be checked to see that they were made of brick. If not, they would have to be fixed. It is also noted in the Council minutes that new battery was bought for the fire engine for $6.50. L.J. Buckmann offered to build a hook and ladder cart for the fire department free of charge if they would furnish the material. The fire department also purchased a roof ladder and 4 rubber slickers for $2.50 each and 4 caps for $1.00 each.

The 1907 fire hall is shown below. In 2021 the City of Antler transferred ownership to Antler Rural Fire Protection District and new steel siding and windows were installed.

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The fire department bought a used Chevy truck in the mid 40’s and had it converted to a pumper. This was used until the mid 50’s when they bought a used 1952 Dodge truck and some of the local men converted it to a pumper truck. (The 1952 Dodge is still owned by AFD and is pictured below.)


In 1971 the community collected enough money through donations to purchase a new fire engine fully equipped for about $14,000.00.


In 1972 the Antler Rural Fire Protection District was formed to serve Antler and the surrounding rural areas. The district includes Antler Township, Wheaton Township, Sherman Township, the west half of Wayne Township and the City of Antler.
After the new fire truck was delivered the community contributed money and volunteer help to build a new fire hall. The building has a kitchen, community hall, post office and garage for the fire trucks. The cost was about $60,000.00.

1975 fire hall

In 2021 the City of Antler Fire Department was merged into the Antler Rural Fire Protection District and is now operated as one entity.
Photo below was taken the summer of 2021 after a new addition was built.





In the fall of 1999 a new 4x4 grass unit was purchased. Because of the additional truck another bay was added to the west side of the fire hall.

In 2007 the main fire engine was replaced with a new 4x4 unit. This truck is similar to those used by the federal government to fight wildfires.img_0524

In early 2020 a 2006 E-One pumper was purchased from Trenton, ND Fire Dept. This is an International chassis with a crew cab.

Also in 2020 the North Dakota Forest Service transferred a 1996 Dodge pickup from Trenton FD to Antler FD. Trenton donated the fire skid unit as part of the transfer.

In late 2020 a 2003 Freightliner with a 4200 gallon tank was purchased at auction in Canada. AFD took delivery of the tanker in early 2021. This unit replaced the 1984 Chevy Kodiak 4000 gallon tanker that had served Antler for many years. The Art & Edith Pearson Foundation made a generous $25,000 donation towards this purchase.

In early 2021 the City of Antler transferred ownership of the original 1907 fire hall to AFD. AFD hired Range Roofing & Construction to install new windows & steel siding to preserve the building for years to come. The City of Antler also transferred ownership of the 1952 Dodge fire truck which was shined up and driven for the first time in 16 years.
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In 2021 a 30x36 addition was added on to the south end of the Community Center. The City of Antler vacated a portion of Railroad Avenue so the building could be expanded. The orientation of the overhead doors was changed to face east. Farm Credit Services made a generation donation of $25,000 towards the project.


In 2021 Mohall Fire Department donated racks to store fire gear.





In 2021 the Antler School Bell was placed in front of the Community Center. Driscoll Combine Repair built & donated the stand.



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Mark Jorgensen
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